lose body fat

Ten Things To STOP Doing If You Want to Lose Body Fat

It can be incredibly frustrating to want to lose fat and not be able to do so. Sometimes you need to shift your mindset to successfully lose body fat. In other cases, you just need better information about what to do and how to do it.

This article is going to give you both: First, weā€™ll list the physical actions you need to stop doing if you want to lose body fat. Second, weā€™ll show you how to transform the way you think about things, making it easier to follow through with the key habits that help you get lean.

#1: Stop Drinking Your Calories

Drinking sugar is like mainlining fat right into your organs. Not only are sugar-containing beverages packed with empty calories, they have no impact on appetite, while also disrupting insulin sensitivity and wrecking your metabolic health.

Do This Instead

Water and unsweetened coffee or tea should be your beverages of choice. Diet soda, sparkling water with citrus added, or zero-calorie natural soda with stevia are viable options if you require something more.

#2: Stop Skipping Meals

You skip breakfast in a rush to get out of the door in the morning, but then youā€™re so busy at work all day, itā€™s not until someone offers you a cupcake or bagel that you eat anything. Maybe you grab a handful of candy or rely on sweetened coffee to keep you going.

You might think youā€™re saving calories by skipping meals, but really, youā€™re bumming out your metabolism and setting yourself up for overeating at night.

Do This Instead

You need to eat according to a set schedule starting with your first meal by 10 am because the stress hormone cortisol is elevated in the morning and eating will help bring it down, keeping your stress levels in check. Eating also prevents your body from breaking down lean tissue to release glucose when youā€™re fasting.

#3: Stop Snacking

Somewhere in the past 30 years, Americans became a snack-happy nation. Studies show the amount of time spent snacking has skyrocketed to the point where people are literally eating 16 to 18 hours a day! Although this might keep hunger at bay, it means your body never has a chance to shift into fat burning mode. Plus, a lot of times people snack out of boredom or for emotional relief, meaning theyā€™re just piling on the unnecessary calories.

Do This Instead

Eliminate random snacks in favor of 3 to 4 meals within a 12-hour window daily. Meals should not be more than 5 hours apart. This type of eating schedule sustains your metabolic rate and balances your metabolic hormones.

#4: Stop Staying Up Late

Sometimes a late night is a must to catch up on house chores or to get ready for tomorrowā€™s meeting. But these must-do tasks arenā€™t the reason most people are cutting into their dreamtime. Social media, TV watching, and other leisure activities are a huge contributor to late bedtimes and the metabolic nightmare they create the next day.

Do This Instead

Have a set bedtime that you stick to every night including weekends. An hour before bed, start winding down, putting away screens, dimming the light, and calming your mind so that you can get all the rest you need.

#5: Stop Planning Meals Around Carbs

You probably know that carbohydrates that are refined, processed, or have added sugar need to be avoided if your goal is to lose body fat. But, you might not realize that planning your meals around carbs, even the so-called ā€œhealthyā€ carbs, like rice, noodles, sushi, or wraps are a problem if you're aiming to lose body fat.

Do This Instead

Plan meals around protein, including higher carb foods in small quantities. For example, hardboiled eggs, turkey slices, a piece of salmon, or Greek yogurt can be the focus of your meal. Including mixed berries, a sweet potato, or a serving of quinoa or buckwheat can fulfill your carb craving without providing the bulk of your calories.

#6: Stop Doing Random Workouts

Itā€™s true that some exercise is better than none, but the ā€œrandomā€ workout approach in which you do a group fitness class one day, TRX the next, and cardio the day after that doesnā€™t allow you to make progress with specific fitness goals. If you want to see serious changes in your physique, you need to overload the body with a series of progressively challenging workouts.

Do This Instead

Fat loss is best achieved with a two-pronged plan of weight training and intervals. Do 2 to 4 weight training workouts with 4 sets of 8 to 15 reps per set using compound exercises like squats, rows, and presses. For cardio, do intervals on a bike, track, or treadmill in which you alternate 30-second bursts of high-intensity effort with active rest periods.

#7: Stop Thinking All You Need Is Willpower

Willpower sounds like this wonderful thing that once you have it, youā€™ll be able to achieve all your goals. The reality is that relying on willpower will only take you so far before it starts to drain your spirit. When fulfillment doesnā€™t come as quickly as youā€™d like, willpower just feels like endless work without any true gratification.

Do This Instead

We are creatures of habit. You need to set your life up in a way so that you can basically run it on autopilot instead of having to will yourself into the gym or into eating healthy. This requires planning.

Itā€™s not that the successful people have more self-control than you. Theyā€™ve just got habits that help them do the things that need to happen to stay lean and healthy.

#8: Stop Doing Exercise You Hate

Guess what happens when you start doing something you donā€™t like? You quit.

Youā€™re never going to get yourself to do something on a regular basis unless it provides some kind of satisfaction or enjoyment. You might think that a lean six-pack will be enough to get you there, but the reality is that goal is too distant to keep you sticking with something you despise. You need a way of moving that provides some pleasure and gratification in the moment.

Do this Instead

Think about what sort of physical activity you have a passion for. Maybe you want to learn to ice skate or do ballet? Does rowing grab your fancy. Or tae kwon do? Hiking?

If none of these fit the bill, try weight training with the goal of getting stronger and more athletic. This means youā€™ll learn to do the classic exercises like squat, deadlift, chest press, and pull-ups, focusing on getting stronger day by day. It can be incredibly fulfilling to see the weight on the bar go up. By the time you've increased your deadlift by 50 pounds, youā€™ll probably find that your body has adapted, you have been able to lose body fat, and youā€™re leaner too. Surprise!

#9: Stop Compensating For Exercise With Food Rewards

Humans are extremely good at rationalizing reasons to eat. One of the most common mistakes is to add on extra treats as a reward for your workout. This is a well-documented phenomenon called ā€œcompensationā€ whereby people inadvertently increase their food intake after exercise. In studies, people with a greater tendency to compensate often gain fat despite engaging in an exercise intervention designed to produce fat loss.

Do This Instead

Pre-plan meals high-protein foods in advance so you wonā€™t be tempted to indulge in food rewards due to increased appetite after exercise. When training, focus on goals other than burning caloriesā€”train to get stronger. Research shows this is one method for shifting you out of compensation mode.

#10: Stop Saying ā€œIā€™ll Start Once Iā€¦ā€

Putting off exercise and healthy eating until some day in the future is just another way of saying ā€œIā€™m not ready.ā€

We know from theories of how people make lasting changes in their behavior that there are three stages people have to go through prior to taking action. First, they go through Pre-contemplation in which they intend to take action sometime in the future without any actual plan to do so.

Second, is Contemplation in which people put a time limit on their plan to change, such as ā€œonce the semester endsā€ or ā€œonce September comes and the kids go back to school.ā€

Third, is Preparation in which you have a concrete plan with a timeline. Itā€™s not until the fourth stage that people actually take action and make it happen. This stage requires you to think in-depth about how youā€™re going to implement your goals and what obstacles youā€™ll have to overcome.

Do This Instead

Get to the Action stage faster by thinking in depth about how youā€™re going to troubleshoot obstacles. For example, if you want to exercise before work, this means you need

1) a workout program

2) to get up early enough to fit your workout in

3) to go to bed earlier the night before in order to avoid sleep deprivation

4) a plan of what youā€™re going to wear, and

5) a prepared breakfast.

Considering what youā€™ll do if thereā€™s traffic, bad weather, or some other unforeseen issue can also help.

Final Words

Exercise and a healthy diet can transform both how you feel and how you look. Figure out a way to enjoy your training and most important: Start Today!


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