Top Ten Carb Intake Rules For Optimal Body Composition

Top Ten Carb Intake Rules For Optimal Body Composition

Eating fewer carbs is a useful trick for losing body fat. But low-carb diets gone wrong cause more trouble than they’re worth. The sad fact is that with the rise of fad low-carb diets, optimal carb intake has been forgotten.

This article will give you ten tips for optimizing carb intake for a lean, healthy body composition.

#1: Do Not Eat Refined Grains

Why are refined grains bad? Let us count the ways:

  1. They’re high in calories.
  2. They’re nutritionally empty.
  3. They contain no useful fiber.
  4. They spike blood sugar in the same way as regular sugar.
  5. They trigger food intake, making you eat more calories than you would if you ate the same grains in unrefined form.
  6. They change the architecture of your brain over time because they alter neurotransmitter levels.
  7. They increase diabetes risk if eaten frequently.
#2: Avoid Processed Carbs

Similar to refined grains, processed carbs often contain refined grains but also have a significant amount of added sugar and other crap that makes them light up areas of the brain involved in reward and addiction. The end result is that processed carbs aren’t satiating. Instead, these foods trigger food intake and make you crave these foods in the future. We’re talking everything from ice cream to candy, soda, cookies, and other sweets.

#3: Avoid Whole Wheat & Corn

The average Westerner gets 50 percent of their calories from soy, corn, wheat, and potatoes. All of these foods contain a significant amount of starch, which is rapidly digested into glucose, raising blood sugar. Our digestive systems are simply not able to cope effectively with so much sugar so fast.

#4: Consider Removing Other Grains

Although there are redeeming aspects of certain whole grains, they aren’t the panacea that public health experts think. Most grains are calorie rich and nutrient poor, especially compared to vegetables. Additionally, modern forms of wheat contain strains of gluten that have different properties than ancient grains, which may be one reason for the increase in celiac disease and gluten sensitivity.

#5: If You Want To Eat Grains, Choose Heirloom, Gluten-Free Varieties

Millet, buckwheat, and amaranth are all heirloom grains that have been cultivated for over 7,000 years by indigenous population. They are also gluten free and highly nutritious, containing more vitamins and minerals than most other grains. Because of their high fiber and antioxidant content, all three are beneficial for blood sugar control, making them the perfect “comfort” food to eat with your evening meal.

#6: The Main Source of Carbs Should Be Fibrous

Fibrous carbs typically have very low carbohydrate content. The high fiber slows digestion, delaying carbohydrate absorption and favorably modifying the glucose response. Carbs that are naturally high in fiber include leafy greens, cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, cauliflower), cucumbers, peppers, etc.

#7: The Darker The Fruit, The Better It Is For You

Dark red, blue, and purple fruits are great anti-inflammatory foods because the extra antioxidants help get rid of free radicals that cause aging and inflammation. They also promote insulin sensitivity and have a lower blood sugar response due to the antioxidants and fiber they contain. These include plums, nectarines, and berries of all kinds.

#8:Eat Foods That Improve Insulin Sensitivity With Higher Carb Foods

Certain foods increase insulin sensitivity and improve the body’s ability to store the carbs you eat as muscle glycogen, which is a fuel source for the muscle. Cooking foods with healthy fats (olive oil and coconut oil), flavoring foods with vinegars or citrus, and spicing foods with cinnamon and turmeric are all methods of lowering the insulin response to high-carb foods, like grains or starchy vegetables.

#9: Eliminate All Liquid Carbs

This means sports drinks, soda, all fruit juice, and anything with added sugar such as coffee drinks or sweetened ice tea. Liquid carbs have zero fiber and they spike insulin. But, the worst thing is that the brain doesn’t “register” liquid sugar calories in the same way as it does calories from food. This means that drinking your carbs won’t reduce hunger, so you’ll eat more calories overall.

#10: Eat The Right Carbs At The Right Times

The best time to eat carbs is after working out. Your metabolism will be elevated and you’ll be burning calories at a faster rate. The body will use carbs to replenish muscle glycogen instead of storing them as fat.

Plus, eating carbs after training can lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol, helping you to de-stress and recover faster.

The worst time to eat refined and high-glycemic carbs is pre-workout because the increase in insulin will shift the body away from burning fat. It also reduces energy levels and motivation. The second worst time is to eat high-carb foods for breakfast, such as cereal, juice, and toast.


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