glute training workouts

Glute Training Workouts

Who doesn't love glute training workouts?

Everyone wants stronger, leaner glutes, but very few people are training in a way that will make it happen. Most people fail to reach their potential with glute training because they either train too light or don't work the glute muscles through the full range of motion. What both problems come down to is a lack of overload that is necessary to grow the glutes.

Glute Training Exercises

For complete development of the glute muscles, you should perform exercises that overload the muscle at the full stretch position, the mid-range, and the fully contracted position. For example, your workout could include:

Glute Training Protocols

When programming reps and sets for glute training, use varied protocols. Some glute exercises give you the best results with high repetitions in the 20 to 25 rep range, whereas others are lower rep exercises with the sweet spot being in the 8 to 12 "hypertrophy" range. For example, you'll generally get the best results with deadlifts and good mornings from 8 to 12 reps. In contrast, single-leg hip thrusts and the banded clam exercise can be performed at high reps (20 to 25 reps) for the best results.

Four-Week Glute Training Program

This 4-week glute training workout has you focusing on accumulation (hypertrophy) for two weeks followed by intensification (strength) for two weeks.

Weeks 1-2 (Accumulation)

A. Single-Leg Bodyweight Hip Thrust, 1 x 15, 1012, rest 30 seconds

B1. Split Squat, Front Foot Elevated, 2 x 10-12 (reps each leg), 2011, rest 30 seconds

B2. Romanian Deadlift, 2 x 10-12, 4011, rest 30 seconds

B3. Cable Pull-through, 2 x10-12, 20X2, rest 90 seconds

C. Hip Flexor Stretch, 1 minute each side

Weeks 3-4 (Intensification)

A. Single-Leg Bodyweight Hip Thrust, 1x15, 1013, rest 30 seconds

B1. Split Squat, Front Food Elevated, 3 x 5-7 (reps each leg), 2011, rest 45 seconds

B2. Romanian Deadlift, 3 x 5-7, 4011, rest 45 seconds

B3. Cable Pull-through, 3 x 5-7, 20X2, rest 120 seconds

C. Hip Flexor Stretch, 1 minute each side

Give this workout a try, then consider adding exercises that target the other glute muscles. For example, the banded clam exercise and the side step-up will help stimulate growth in the gluteus medius and the gluteus minimus. To show you how itā€™s done, here is a glute-emphasis workout that includes side step-ups:

Weeks 1-2 (Accumulation)

A. Side Shuffle with Bands 1 x 15, 1010, rest 30 seconds

B1. Back Squat, Wide Stance, 2 x 10-12 (reps each leg), 4011, rest 30 seconds

B2. Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift, 2 x 10-12, 4011, rest 90 seconds

C1. Side Step-up, 2 x 10-12, 2010, rest 30 seconds

C2. Back Extension, Knees Bent, 2 x10-12, 20X2, rest 90 seconds

D. Hip Flexor Stretch, 1 minute each side

Weeks 3-4 (Intensification)

A. Side Shuffle with Bands, 1x15, 1010, rest 30 seconds

B1. Back Squat, Wide Stance, 3 x 5-7 (reps each leg), 4011, rest 45 seconds

B2. Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift, 3 x 5-7, 4011, rest 120 seconds

C1. Side-Step-up, 3 x 5-7, 2010, rest 45 seconds

C2. Back Extension, Knees Bent, 3 x 5-7, 20X2, rest 120 seconds

D. Hip Flexor Stretch, 1 minute each side

Final Words:

Glute training is a great way to build athleticism and the backside you desire. With the glute training workouts here, you will perform better, get stronger, and enjoy a higher quality of life.


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