
Ten Valuable Benefits of Probiotics

ā€œAll diseases begin in the gut.ā€ ā€“Hippocrates

Heathy gut bacteria, known as probiotics, have numerous benefits for health. Itā€™s incredible that nearly 2,500 years ago Hippocrates knew what is becoming common knowledge today: The gut bacteria play a pivotal role in defining our health and well being.

Many factors in the modern lifestyle contribute to an unhealthy gut, which is one reason that obesity and diseases are so prevalent today.

What Makes An Unhealthy Healthy Gut?

The gut is populated by a wide variety of bacteria, which have either a beneficial or harmful effect on our health. High antibiotic use is the most obvious factor to that negatively impacts gut health. Unhealthy diets that are high in refined carbohydrates, junk foods, and processed meats also lead to the growth of unhealthy gut bacteria (1). Excessive stress and lack of exercise can also harm the gut bacteria.

These harmful bacteria are pro-inflammatory, leading to the release of compounds that negatively impact brain function, mood, metabolic health, immunity, physical performance, and energy balance. Beneficial bacteria, on the other hand, have powerful anti-inflammatory benefits that are associated with better overall health.

What Makes A Healthy Gut?

One way to shift the composition of your gut bacteria is by increasing your consumption of probiotics. Fermented foods naturally contain probiotics. You can also take probiotics in supplement form. Although fermented foods like yogurt, kim chi, sauerkraut, and miso all contain active live cultures, the bacteria used for fermentation doesnā€™t necessarily have any health benefit. Rather, the bacteria used in fermentation are chosen expressly for the purpose of fermenting foods, not for improving human health.Ā 

Therefore, if youā€™re hoping to get your beneficial probiotics through food, you need to consume foods that contain probiotic strains that have a research-demonstrated benefit. For example, a 2010 study found that when overweight subjects consumed 7 oz. of fermented milk containing additional live bacteria for 12 weeks, they decreased belly fat by 4.6 percent and reduced body weight by 1.1 kg. A control group had no changes (2).Ā 

Scientists identify the following key points to success in this trial:

  1. The probiotic survived digestion and reached the GI tract
  2. The bacterial strain had a positive impact on the colony of bacteria living in the gut
  3. The probiotic positively affected energy balance and inflammatory status for a measurable reduction in body fat.

Alternatively, you can supplement with a probiotic that has research demonstrating its benefits. This is a good choice if you are targeting a specific health condition. Top-quality probiotics contain a large dose of healthy bacteria that are formulated to thrive in the gut.

Benefits of Probiotic Supplementation

What follows is a list of ten of the most compelling benefits you can get from probiotics. Included are specific details about strains to look for when sourcing healthy bacteria to add to your diet.

#1: Greater Immunity

Probiotics can benefit your immune system while also inhibiting the growth of harmful gut bacteria. For instance, probiotic supplementation increases levels of immune cells such as IgA and natural killer cells (3). A recently published randomized trial found that well trained athletes who took a probiotic had elevated levels of bacterial fighting anti-bodies (4). In simple terms this means the immune system is better primed to prevent colds and other respiratory infections that are common in hardcharging athletes.Ā 

#2: Fewer Allergies

Sometimes the immune system overreacts. When the body is exposed to benign particles from our environment like pollen or dust, the immune system will launch a harmful response. Beneficial bacteria can strike a balance and avoid overreacting with an allergic reaction that is unnecessary (3).

#3: Counter Digestive Disorders

Probiotics benefit the digestive system, helping fight irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, and constipation. Probiotics help when taking antibiotics because these drugs are designed to wipe out all bacteria in the body including your protective gut bugs. When choosing a probiotic to reduce digestive problems, bifidobacterium, saccharomyces boulardii, and lactobacillus strains have been shown to be effective in studies (3).Ā 

#4: Increase Protein & Nutrient Absorption

The bacteria in your gut can communicate with the cells that line the intestinal wall and ā€œtellā€ your intestine what to absorb into your bloodstream and what to prevent from passing into your body. The inflammatory bacteria in your gut can result in harmful pathogens getting through (which is called malabsorption), while nutrients from amino acids and other foodstuffs will be kept out.Ā 

Even something as simple as intense exercise can cause malabsorption. Improving the bacterial diversity and quantity is especially important for athletes who have higher nutrient needs for muscle and tissue repair following muscle damaging workouts (5).

#5: Greater Muscular Power

Research on how probiotics influence athletic performance is in the infant stages, but one study found that trained athletes who consumed the probiotic as part of a protein shake over 8 weeks of training increased vertical jump (6). Researchers concluded that probiotic use may have a beneficial effect on power output and the development of lean muscle mass.

#6: Accelerate Recovery From Intense Training

Probiotics benefit athletes who need to recover faster from workouts. This was demonstrated in a study that found that following a brutal leg workout, a group that supplemented with probiotics reported less soreness and reduced markers of muscle damage (7). Probiotic supplementation also allowed the athletes to maintain strength despite the hard training.

#7: Improve Metabolic Health

Probiotics have several benefits for metabolism. A 2015 meta analysis concluded that probiotic supplementation may improve glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity, making it a useful treatment for the prevention of diabetes (8). In one study of healthy subjects who were fed an unhealthy high-fat diet, taking a fermented milk with added probiotics preserved metabolic health compared to a control group (9).

#8: Better Mood & Less Depression

The majority of the neurotransmitters that control mood and brain function are produced in the gut. For example, serotonin, which is a neurotransmitter that plays a key role in happiness and relaxation is produced almost entirely in the GI tract. This makes a healthy gut imperative in order to maintain a positive mood and avoid getting run down by the stress of daily life or intense training.

In a study of 40 patients with clinically diagnosed depression, those who took a probiotic had a significant reduction in depression as well as improvements in insulin health and glutathione, which is key marker of overall health (13). A second study found that petrochemical workers, who are likely to be exposed to high levels of inflammation-causing chemicals, demonstrated better mood and overall improved mental health after eating yogurt with probiotics added to it for 6 weeks (14).

#9: Lower Blood Pressure & Protect The Heart

A review of studies showed that probiotic supplementation can lower blood pressure, especially in people with hypertension (15). In order to experience benefits related to blood pressure, probiotic supplementation had to last at least 8 weeks and contain 10 million colonyā€“forming units daily (15). Other studies show modest beneficial effects of probiotic supplementation on LDL cholesterol levels, which is a risk factor for heart disease.

#10: Avoid Cavities & Protect Your Teeth

Probiotics benefit your teeth. Applying probiotics through toothpaste will inhibit plaque formation and lower the pH of saliva so that bad bacteria cannot act on your teeth. Probiotics also have an antioxidant effect in the mouth. They neutralize free electrons, which helps prevent bad breath (11, 12).

How Can You Get A Healthy Gut?

When it comes to a well-functioning gut, your goal should be to achieve a healthy microbiome. The first step is to eat a healthy, whole foods diet that contains plenty of vegetables, nuts, and fruits. These foods provide the fiber that feed the healthy bacteria in your gut. One study found that adults who ate almonds daily for 6 weeks had significant improvements in the intestinal bacteria profile because the ā€œgoodā€ bacteria were able to use the prebiotic fiber in the almonds as food.

Second, reduce or eliminate processed meat and refined foods. These foods lead to the growth of inflammatory ā€œbadā€ bacteria that are harmful to health.

Third, consume foods that contain probiotic strains that have a research-demonstrated benefit. Just because a food is fermented with bacteria doesnā€™t mean that bacteria will survive the food production process or have measurable health benefits.

Fourth, supplement with a probiotic that is guaranteed through the date of expiration and has research showing its benefits. Additionally, you need a brand that includes a bare minimum 1 billion count of live bacteria. Many people will benefit from starting with a higher dose in the 25 to 50 billion-count range.

Final Words

Be consistent with supplementation and your pro-gut diet. It takes time for healthy probiotics to establish themselves and consistency is key for allowing you to see benefits.Ā 



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