breast cancer prevention

Strategies to Decrease Breast Cancer Risk: Make it A Lifestyle

Prevent breast cancer by living a lifestyle that keeps you lean, feeds your body with the healthiest foods. There is an abundance of research into what causes breast cancer, and the key take away from all this research, is that simple lifestyle habits can make a big difference.

The best prevention plan is a balanced plan. The following are some areas to focus on for a breast cancer prevention lifestyle:

Exercise and lift weights regularly.

Reviews suggest that there is as much as an 80 percent reduction in breast cancer risk if you are physically active throughout your life. This means doing regular vigorous exercise AND being active during the day.

Exercise is especially important during the teen years and during menopause. These are the times when women have the greatest variation in hormones, particularly estrogen. High levels of estrogen are difficult for the body to metabolize safely and are linked to greater breast cancer risk.

Be smart about soy.

The problem with soy is that a lot of the soy we eat in the Western world is genetically modified, highly processed, and acid washed. Avoid such products, which include soy milk and most meat substitutes. Opt for minimally processed soy that is fermented such as tempeh or miso. Use it as a condiment rather than a staple.

Avoid alcohol.

Alcohol increases estrogen levels leading to greater breast cancer risk. If you choose to drink sometimes, choose red wine but limit your overall intake to a few drinks a week.Ā 

Eat organic, especially when it comes to meat and dairy.

Non-organic animals are fed growth-promoting hormones that can mess with your hormones and raise cancer risk. If possible avoid pesticides from non-organic produce because these can also mimic estrogen when they enter the body.

Get enough vitamin D.

Low vitamin D is a huge public health issue and it is linked over and over again with increased breast cancer risk. Get your levels tested and if you are below 30 ng/ml, take supplemental D.

Avoid BPA and plastics.

Petroleum based productsĀ mimic estrogen in the body. Avoid throwaway plastic, aluminum cans, plastic food containers, and receipts.

Eat nuts, especially walnuts.

These appear to halt tumor growth and greater nut intake has been repeatedly linked to lower breast cancer risk in women.


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