chin-ups back

Train Chin-ups For A Stronger Back

Chin-ups and pull-ups are your number one go-to exercise for an amazing back. Chin-ups (palms facing you) train the biceps brachii a bit more than pull-ups (palms facing away) because this muscle is maximally recruited when the elbow is bent and the hand is supinated. Greater biceps brachii recruitment is one reason trainees often report that chin-ups ā€œfeelā€ easier than pull-ups.

Train All The Upper Back Muscles

Chin-ups are the best bang for your buck back and upper body exercise. Chin-ups recruit seven muscles of the back and trunk at levels that are appropriate for hypertrophy and strength development.

The prime mover for both chins and pull-ups is the latissimus dorsi with electromyographic (EMG) signals ranging from 117 to 130 percent of the maximal involuntary contraction. Chin-ups recruit the chest more than pull-ups, and the EMG for the pectoralis was about 65 percent of that previously recorded in a traditional push-up. Pull-ups activate the lower trapezius and infraspinatus of the back more than the chin-up. Both exercises are near equal in recruiting the external obliques and erector spinae.

Train For Structural Balance

Chin-ups and pull-ups can both be included in your training, and they are excellent to balance out the tendency to only perform pressing exercises such as the bench and overhead press. Presses are great exercises, but they must be balanced with appropriate upper back training.

Can't Do Chin-Ups? Learn To With Negatives

Relying on pull-down machines for upper back training is unlikely to help you get your chin over the bar for the fist time. Instead, incorporate negative reps into your routine. Climb on to a step or bench and begin the exercise with your chin over the bar. Begin to lower your body as slowly as possible. If you are new to chins, you will likely take about eight seconds. Perform five reps. Each training session add a repetition until you get to ten. At the same time, try to extend the amount of time it takes you to lower yourself. The goal is to reach 30 seconds.

Once you can perform a nice volume of 30-second eccentric reps, you should be ready for a regular chin-up. To do this, you need to train a fairly high volume of negative reps.

Many novice trainees who have adequate eccentric chin-up strength donā€™t have the subscapular strength or coordination to initiate the concentric movement when hanging. One solution is to contract the scapula and hold it for 6 to 10 seconds while hanging. Additionally, a spotter can help you learn to initiate the upward movement.

Final Words

Chin-ups are a great exercise for building a strong upper back. Novices should incorporate negative reps to train for their first chin-up. Advanced trainees can increase upper back strength with challenging variations such as one-arm chin-ups.



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