No More Excuses!

No More Excuses!

The women in the Poliquin office have started a training program with our new trainers Stéphane and Alexandra. The editorial staff thought it might be fun for me to blog about my experience. So here we go…

It has always been my New Year’s goal to be in “fit” condition by my birthday in May…that would be my birthday present to myself. In years gone by, I’ve never achieved my goal and I just tend to brush it off. Well this year is a little different. I will be turning 50 in May and I am determined to be “Fifty and Fit”!

Let me start by saying I am a fairly active person and weight training is not new to me as I am lucky enough to be able to use the gym here in our office any time I want to. It’s great…literally 15 feet from my desk, no crowds, no waiting for machines, and no intimidation by all the young people who go to the average public gym and work out. And, especially, no worrying about what I should be wearing!

So what’s my problem and why is it May comes and goes and I look the same?

My problem is consistency. I am the person who will come up with any excuse not to train: I have to make dinner, I have to run errands, it’s something with the kids…I am the Queen of Excuses!

Well, not this time! I am determined to do this! Having the trainers and my co-workers in the gym with me will keep me on track and make me accountable, right?

Tip 24: Lift a Little Heavier When Weight Training To Get Better Results


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